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Новосибирский институт органической химии им. Н.Н. Ворожцова СО РАН Лаборатория изучения механизмов органических реакций
symm#!/usr/bin/perl -w if (! @ARGV or $ARGV[0]=~/^--?h(elp)?/) { print "\n Usage: symm file.xyz Зависимости: perl, symmetry\n Проводит симметризацию геометрии с помощью программы symmetry, постепенно увеличивая параметр -final последней, вплоть до 0.2 (и подстраивая параметр -primary). Читает последнюю геометрию из file.xyz, если удалось обнаружить симметрию, то результат в формате xyz печатается на stdout. \n"; exit; } $symmetry = '/usr/local/bin/symmetry'; die "Program symmetry not found\n" unless (-x $symmetry); # Вгоняем таблицу Менделеева @ATOM = qw (XX H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr ); for ($i=0; $i<@ATOM; $i++) { $ATOM{$ATOM[$i]} = $i }; foreach (@ARGV) { open INP, '<', $_ || warn "Can't open $_: $!\n" , next; while (read_molden(\*INP)) {}; close INP; open TINP, ">", "symm.TINP" || warn "Can't write temporary file: $!\n" , next; print TINP " $N\n"; for ($i=1; $i<=$N; $i++) { print TINP " $ATOM{$atom[$i]} $x[$i] $y[$i] $z[$i]\n"; } close TINP; $group = 'C1'; $prim = 0.05; foreach my $ext (reverse (0.7, 1..7)) { $final = sprintf '%.8f', 10**(-$ext) - 1e-8; $prim = $final if $prim < $final; # $final = 10**(-$_); open OUT, '-|', "$symmetry -primary $prim -final $final symm.TINP"; while (<OUT>) { if (m/^It seems to be the (\w*) point group$/) { if ($1 ne $group) { $group = $1; while (<OUT>) { if (m/^Symmetrized coordinates of all atoms/) { <OUT>; <OUT>; for ($i=1; $i<=$N; $i++) { (undef,$x[$i],$y[$i],$z[$i]) = split ' ', <OUT>; } #$energy .= " Group $group"; &write_molden(-without_charges); last; } } } last; } } close OUT; } unlink "symm.TINP"; # print @output; } #symmetry [option value ...] [filename] #Valid options are: # -verbose ( 0) Determines verbosity level # All values above 0 are intended for debugging purposes # -maxaxisorder ( 20) Maximum order of rotation axis to look for # -maxoptcycles (200) Maximum allowed number of cycles in symmetry element optimization # -- Terminates option processing #Defaults should be Ok for these: # -same ( 0.001) Atoms are colliding if distance falls below this value # -primary ( 0.05) Initial loose criterion for atom equivalence # -final ( 0.0001) Final criterion for atom equivalence # -maxoptstep ( 0.5) Largest step allowed in symmetry element optimization # -minoptstep ( 1e-07) Termination criterion in symmetry element optimization # -gradstep ( 1e-07) Finite step used in numeric gradient evaluation # -minchange ( 1e-10) Minimum allowed change in target function # -minchgcycles ( 5) Number of minchange cycles before optimization stops # -maxuniq Reorient molecule preferring more unique atoms # -minuniq (default) Reorient molecule preferring less unique atoms # -symmplane (all) Symmetrize atoms according to this plane number only # -symmaxis (all) Symmetrize atoms according to this axis number only # -symmimproper (all) Symmetrize atoms according to this improper axis number only # -symmcenter (all) Symmetrize atoms according to this inversion center number only # -na Prefer non-abelian symmetry elements for reorientation # -minaxis Prefer lower order axes for reorientation # (use together with -na for tetrahedral groups) # #Input is expected in the following format: #number_of_atoms #AtomicNumber X Y Z #... # #Note that only primitive rotations will be reported #This is version $Revision: 1.15 $ ($Date: 2000/01/25 16:47:17 $) sub read_molden { my $inp = shift; $inp = 'STDIN' unless $inp; return undef if eof($inp); # 1-st string if (<$inp>=~/^\s*(\d+)\s*$/) { ($N,$energy,@atom,@x,@y,@z,@charge) = undef; $N = $1; } else { return undef; } # 2-nd string ($energy) = <$inp>=~/(-?\d+\.\d+)/; # Geometry for ($i=1;$i<=$N;$i++) { ($atom[$i],$x[$i],$y[$i],$z[$i],$charge[$i],undef) = split ' ', <$inp>; return undef unless $atom[$i]=~/^\w\w?/ && $x[$i]=~/^-?\d+\.\d+/ && $y[$i]=~/^-?\d+\.\d+/ && $z[$i]=~/^-?\d+\.\d+/; } return $N; } sub write_molden { # &write_molden(\*FILEHANDLER [, -without_charges]); # &write_molden([-without_charges]); # To STDOUT if (@atom && @x && @y && @z) { my ($out, $i, $opts); if (@_) { $out = shift; if ($out=~/^-/) { $opts = $out; $out = 'STDOUT'; } else { $opts = shift; } } else { $out = 'STDOUT'; } my %opts = &get_options($opts); print $out " $#atom\n"; print $out " Energy $energy" if $energy; print $out " Symmetry $group" if $group; print $out "\n"; for ($i=1; $i<=$#atom; $i++) { if ($atom[$i] && $x[$i] && $y[$i] && $z[$i]) { printf $out " %-2s %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f",$atom[$i],$x[$i],$y[$i],$z[$i]; print $out " $charge[$i]" if $charge[$i] && ! exists $opts{'without_charges'}; print $out "\n"; } } } } sub get_options { #%h = &get_options('a b -c d -e \*A -f e'); #e => undef #c => d #f => e return unless $_[0]; return $_[0]=~/-(\w+)(?:\s+)?(\w+)?/g; } |